courtroom images

court room

employment tribunal

witness box

Open each link to see the layout of a court or tribunal, checking which one you are going to attend. You will already have been advised where you should attend and these links will help you understand who everyone is and where they should sit.
A high or county court or employment tribunal hears civil cases. A crown court or magistrates court hears criminal cases.

If you are the claimant in a case to be held in a civil court, always head for the left of the Court (facing the judge) and sit behind your Barrister or at the back of the Court. If you are giving evidence for the defendant, then head for the right hand side of the court, facing the judge.

If you are to give evidence at an employment tribunal you will find a more informal setting and you should sit in the general area at the rear.

If you are a witness in a criminal trial you will remain outside the court in the public area until you are called by the Usher. You will not be asked to sit anywhere in court as your sole purpose is to give evidence and you will go straight to the witness box.

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